Black Ops 4 IX Zombies guide: Brazen Bull shield, Death of Orion, challenges, solo play and more

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available across all platforms and as ever, the Zombies mode is proving pretty popular. Whilst we’re all familiar with the various modes available in Call of Duty games, there’s a lot of new systems and surprises to get your head around in Black Ops 4. We’ve compiled a list of the most-asked questions and answers about the Zombies mode, to help you unlock the mysteries, so you can focus on getting good. [Read More]

Sex games: The best - and best worst - sex scenes in video game history

Sex. Games. Sex in games! Given how the video game industry has relished opportunities to embrace gore, horror, and violence for many years, it's surprising how poor we are at depicting that other argh-no-don't-make-me-watch-this-with-my-parents-in-the-room taboo: sex. Despite elbowing for room at the ‘games are art’ debate, many titles fail to portray sex in an authentic or meaningful manner. Whether it's the stiff (pardon the pun) animations, cringeworthy dialogue, the curious application of quick-time prompts, or a genital-mashing combination of all three, games rarely seem to get coitus right. [Read More]

Zelda Skyward Sword: how to get to Beedle's flying shop to buy adventure pouch & wallet upgrades

Some of Skyward Sword's most important upgrades are only found in an easily-skippable shop - Beedle is back, baby. While the most exciting items you get in Zelda are always those awarded in dungeons, some of the most important are a little more boring - things that allow you to carry more Rupees or other less-interesting items you find on your journey that nevertheless feel rather essential. In The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, most of these key items are found in Beedle's Airshop. [Read More]

Monster Hunter World: Longsword tutorial - how to get the best from your builds and combos

Whether it’s giant hammers or 6 ft swords, Monster Hunter World knows how to make a good weapon. And while you might think all monster bashers are created equal, each piece of equipment in the New World has its own nuances. Here’s our Longsword tutorial, packed with info on how to get the best out of your builds and combos. If you’d prefer to watch or listen along, we’ve embedded a video from Arekkz’s weapon workshop series below. [Read More]

Pokemon Go is dropping support for iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and more older iOS/Android devices

Pokemon Go will cease to work on a few older devices soon. Pokmeon Go developer Niantic has revealed that it's ending support for iOS 10, iOS 11 and Android 5. For phones, the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 will also no longer be able to play the game. This will take effect in October with the release of a new update. For devices where an OS update is available, it's best to bring them forward to the latest version of Android or iOS. [Read More]

The Outlast Trials now slated for 2022 release

Red Barrels released the gameplay reveal of The Outlast Trials during gamescom Opening Night Live 2021. The game is a whole new take on the Outlast survival horror experience, The Outlast Trials is set in the same universe as the previous titles for one to four players, set for release during 2022. Set in the height of the Cold War era, players take on the role of test subjects abducted by the shadowy Murkoff Corporation. [Read More]

Call of Duty: Vanguard best STG44 class

If you’ve played Call of Duty: Vanguard since its launch, you’ll know just how popular the STG44 is. Not only is it a gun you have access to at level 1, it also packs decent damage and great levels of customisation thanks to its 10 attachment slots. The STG44 is an all rounder, but there are ways to turn it from a fairly good gun for leveling up, to a trusty primary weapon you’ll not want to play an online game without. [Read More]

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - How to beat Alatreon and complete the armour set

A new monster has been added to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and it's a bit of a grind to beat it. The Alatreon is finally available to take on and you'll be able to craft a bunch of weapons and armour once you've defeated it. A word of warning, however: even high-level Master Rank players are going to find defeating the Alatreon a real challenge, so if you get your arse handed to you on the first go, try not to worry about it. [Read More]

Today's Wordle Answer for June 9 (Puzzle 355) - Hints, clues, and solution

Send your streak to the next level with today’s Wordle answer for June 9. We've double-checked the answer and everything's good to go! After a run of 3 words with repeated letters, ironically, Puzzle 355 has all unique ones to guess. It’s not a common word however, so it’s not easy, but most people will have at least heard it even if they’re not using it every day. You need a good vocabulary to be successful in Wordle, where your goal is to reveal the hidden 5 letter word with just 6 guesses. [Read More]

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris | Flawless tips and tricks to access the Lighthouse and rewards

Destiny 2’s pinnacle PVP mode Trials of Osiris is back and has seen some major changes in Season of the Lost. You can read about all of the changes in Bungie's blog post. Trials of Osiris is now more accessible, rewarding and engaging for all players and not just the top 1% of sweats who play nothing but PVP all day. So you can earn the best trials rewards, we've put together some of our top tips for scoring a flawless run in Destiny 2's Trials of Osiris. [Read More]