Cyberpunk 2077 Sinnerman Quest | Bill Jablonski or Joshua Stephenson?
Posted on May 2, 2023
| 5 minutes
| 868 words
| Beatrice Clogston
Not long after you've collected the prize for your last job from Wakako, you’ll get a call about another; a messy one. This call starts the Sinnerman line of quests in Cyberpunk 2077. Wakako wants you to collect a hit that's been put out on someone, and agrees to pay well. Johnny thinks the job stinks, but agree and go to meet the client.
He's apparently waiting for you with more details, so head to the map marker to meet Bill Jablonsky.
[Read More]Genshin Impact Wonderous Shadows Puzzle Solutions - How do I solve Lantern Riddles?
Posted on May 2, 2023
| 7 minutes
| 1466 words
| Lynna Burgamy
If you’ve been enjoying the Latnern Rite festival taking place in Genshin Impact right now, you’ll likely have come across one of the events - Wondrous Shadows. Located on the docks of Liyue, this small minigame presents you as the player with a selection of shadow puzzles, which provide event currency and other rewards when solved.
This guide will take you through each and every shadow puzzle as they come out, showing you the solution so you can skip all the head scratching moments and quickly collect the precious prizes.
[Read More]Pokemon Quest Cooking, Recipes and Ingredients: recipe list and stews to attract every type of Pokemon
Posted on May 2, 2023
| 6 minutes
| 1143 words
| Beatrice Clogston
Pokemon Quest is the latest free-to-play spin-off of the Pokemon series for Switch, iOS and Andorid, and it's a little different to the core games or even Pokemon Go. In this game, your Pokedex-filling adventures are driven by cooking recipes that Pokemon love.
Cooking in Pokemon Quest is essentially how you attract different Pokemon and get them to hang out at your base camp, join your team and become willing to head out on special expedition missions in order to progress the game.
[Read More]Red Dead Redemption 2: How to brush your horse
Posted on May 2, 2023
| 3 minutes
| 464 words
| Lourie Helzer
As any good cowboy knows, animal husbandry is the cornerstone to a wholesome life on the prairie. Arthur Morgan and the gang aren’t really the settler type though, so it’s lucky that an equine friend is just as useful for outrunning the law as it is going for a nice stroll. Caring for your horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 not only keeps their coats clean and shiny, it also replenishes their health and stamina cores too.
[Read More]Cyberpunk 2077 Epistrophy | Every Delamain cab location
Posted on May 1, 2023
| 4 minutes
| 682 words
| Lourie Helzer
As a valued member of the excelsior package, the benevolent Delamain AI has a task that only you can help with: the Epistrophy quest. Some of his cabs have gone missing in mysterious circumstances, and he needs someone with a physical body to re-establish the connections with his mainframe. While it might seem a little bit too close to busywork to begin with, the Epistrophy series features more than a few fun moments and cameos, so it's worth your time to complete.
[Read More]How many chapters are in Red Dead Redemption 2?
Posted on May 1, 2023
| 2 minutes
| 408 words
| Lynna Burgamy
We all know Rockstar's latest Western adventure is a huge game, but just how big is it? If you’re looking for how many chapters are in Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ve come to the right place. Obviously, the following is something you don’t want to read if you’d like to go in completely blind, but we’ll do our best to avoid spoiling specifics. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know.
[Read More]Light gun games finally feel good on modern displays. It’s time for Namco, Sega, and others to bring them back
Posted on May 1, 2023
| 9 minutes
| 1707 words
| Tobi Tarwater
It's time to bring back a classic genre. What types of games have suffered a painful decline to the point where the genre barely exists any more? Brawlers, perhaps - Final Fight’s characters now live inside Street Fighter, and attempts to revive Golden Axe have stalled - though one could argue a certain breed of 3D character action game is descended from them, and last year we had a solid revival in Streets of Rage 4.
[Read More]Lost Ark: How, when and why to counter attack
Posted on May 1, 2023
| 2 minutes
| 254 words
| Lynna Burgamy
Perhaps one of the most important parts of combat in Lost Ark, aside from staying alive and dealing good damage of course, is counter attacking! This ability, one which most classes have access to in one way or another, is crucial when taking on Guardian Raids and other PvE content. But how does Counter Attacking work?
To help you figure this out, our in-house video guru Dorrani has created a bite size guide on what the counter attack mechanic actually does as well as how to use it.
[Read More]Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - how to solve Operation Chaos puzzle and decrypt the floppy disk
Posted on April 30, 2023
| 7 minutes
| 1295 words
| Martina Birk
The single-player campaign in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War experiments with a number of new mechanics, twists, and ideas and introduces a unique mission structure to Call of Duty. You can mainline it as you would any other Call of Duty campaign, but if you take your time to look around, talk to your teammates and read the evidence you come across, there’s plenty hiding in Black Ops Cold War that is well worth your time to explore.
[Read More]Destiny 2: Beyond Light - How to complete As the Crow Flies and get the Hawkmoon Exotic Hand Cannon
Posted on April 30, 2023
| 6 minutes
| 1098 words
| Beatrice Clogston
There's a new Exotic to chase in Destiny 2, but you'll need to collect a bunch of feathers to get your hands on it. Alongside the newPS5 and Xbox Series X optimisation update, the Prophecy Dungeonreturned to Destiny 2 alongside Iron Banner and the unexpected Hawkmoon Exotic Hand Cannon. Destiny veterans will recognise it from the old days and it's specifically tied to Season of the Hunt, so you'll need to have a chat with old Spider to get started.
[Read More]