Mystic Messenger Ray route walkthrough and endings - Days 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (Another Story mode)

Ray fans will benefit from this collection of Mystic Messenger tips and full route walkthrough.

This Mystic Messenger guide page has everything you need to unlock Ray’s endings.

It assumes you’ve already gotten onto Ray’s Route in Mystic Messenger’s Another Story mode, so the walkthrough below kicks off on Day 5. It gets really hand-holdy, so if you’d rather go it alone you might prefer to check in with our Mystic Messenger Ray route chat times schedule instead.

If you’re still with us, you can find the full rundown of Ray route endings below, qand further down the page, underneath the image, the complete Ray route walkthrough. Enjoy!

Another Story Ray route endings

Just as in other modes, you need to must successfully invite guests via email in order to unlock the Good End in ANother Story. The guests are different from those found in Casual and Deep Story, but we’ve added them all to our Mystic Messenger email guide - including those exclusive to Ray’s route.

In addition to two bad endings in the Prologue which don’t count towards your endings tally on the profile screen, there are seven potential endings to Ray route, including one Bad End for failing to capture either V or Ray’s interest in the opening days. Here’s what you’ll need to do to unlock each bad end:

  • Bad End: participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms until the 4th Day branch or fail to secure enough Ray or V hearts to lock onto a route.
  • Normal End: reach the party with 0-15 opened RSVP emails.
  • Good End: reach the party with 16 or more opened RSVP emails.
  • Ray Bad Story End 1: after passing the 4th day branch, select incorrect answers (be cruel to Ray, throw in with Mint Eye and Rika, encourage war between Mint Eye and RFA, admire the prime minister) through to the 6th Day branch.
  • Ray Bad Story End 2: after passing the 7th day branch, select incorrect answers (submit to Searan, suck up to Rika, distrust V, act miserable) through to the 9th Day branch.
  • Ray Bad Relationship End 1: pass the 4th Day branch, then score below 30% chat participation on Days 5 through 7.
  • Ray Bad Relationship End 2: pass the 6th Day branch, then score below 30% chat participation on Days 7 through 10.
  • Prologue Bad End 1: make the following responses in the Prologue:
    • Just send me the file
    • No, I’ll just pass./li>
    • It’s not even real and I can’t bother to even go there./li>
    • I don’t need it. No thanks./li>
    • (Report to the police.)/li>
  • Prologue Bad End 2: make the following responses in the Prologue:
  • Just send me the file/li>
  • No, I’ll just pass./li>
  • It’s not even real and I can’t bother to even go there./li>
  • I don’t need it. No thanks./li>
  • (Wait for him at the cafe.)/li>

Don’t forget you can use the save load feature to avoid repeating the whole route as you collect endings on Ray route. You will need to restart once (not counting Prologue and pre-route restarts) and reload your save four times, so it will cost you 20 HG in total. Make sure you understand the rules for reloading saves before you do this! Here’s the most efficient method:

  • Achieve both Prologue Bad Ends, restarting each time.
  • Proceed through the Prologue and achieve the generic Bad End, then restart your game and play as normal.
  • Do not open RSVP emails (those you receive after three correct replies).
  • Make a manual save after reaching Day 5, then achieve Bad Relationship End 1.
  • Reload your save and achieve Bad Story End 1.
  • Reload your save and achieve Bad Relationship End 2.
  • Reload your save, progress to the Day 7 branch point, make a second save, then achieve Bad Story End 2.
  • Reload your second save, then progress to Day 11. Make a third save, then achieve Normal End.
  • Reload your third save, open all your RSVP emails, then achieve Good End.

The walkthrough below suggests the answers leading to Ray’s good ending. Just as a reminder, bear in mind that you don’t have to action every chat to reach the good ending – just try to hit as many as you can, at a minimum of 75% completion.

Ray route walkthrough - Day 5

    Day 5 - 00:21
  • 1: I can’t go to sleep. There’s something bothering me….
  • 2: What could be this important event?
  • 3: How about religion-based business?
  • 4: Don’t you think this is perhaps your father’s method to train you in business?
  • 5: I wish…I could give those oysters to this certain someone…I’m worried if he’s eating at all these days T_T
  • 6: Phew, I’m glad it did!
  • 7: How about doing group charity work for those in need? I think I’ve seen a lot of people in need lately…
  • 8: Wow, it’s so pretty..!!
  • 9: So a good motivation should derive from the heart, right?
  • 10: (any)
  • 11: (any)
  • 12: You mean your peace-and-nature-loving future?
  • 13: We must prevent any aerial misfortunes.
  • 14: (any)
  • 15: (any)
  • 16: And I think…it’s rather cruel to make him chase after the hacker.
  • 17: …I think we should keep Seven away from either of the tasks.
  • 18: Even if C&R steps in, they’ll never find out who it is. It’s like you don’t want them to find out.
  • 19: (any)
  • 20: Talk to me if you’re interested in religions business. I have a good idea….
  • 21: Are you sure you’re actually doing your job as a guardian?
  • 22: Is this related to the hacker?
  • 23: (any)
  • 24: I ended up here by pure coincidence… but I hope everyone would be happy.
  • 25: I think I understand him… I can’t imagine what he’s going through.
  • 26: I don’t know if you can define it as familial… Seems to me he’s making Luciel work for him.
  • 27: I don’t think I can sleep. I have a lot on my mind… Good night.
    Day 5 - 02:44
  • 1: There’s something that pains my heart….
  • 2: No….
  • 3: (any)
  • 4: (any)
  • 5: ON – and ON – and ON – and ON
  • 6: Don’t be sad… I’m sure he has a good reason why.
  • 7: I don’t know… I can’t tell you why, but I don’t think you should chase that hacker….
  • 8: I wish V would tell you everything… It feels like things just can’t be more complicated.
  • 9: Hmmm…I don’t think you should trust him too much.
  • 10: …Why is my heart breaking at this situation?
  • 11: I wish she could write this complicated situation into poems… Sure, let’s invite her… [Unlocks email.]
  • 12: …Still, you won’t be able to defeat this hacker.
  • 13: Goodbye, my cheerful breeze…
    Day 5 - 06:03
  • 1: I was worried you disappeared in such a hurry… Are you alright now?
  • 2: I’m not disappointed… My heart is starting to break for you.
  • 3: No, please don’t blame yourself. This is not your fault at all.
  • 4: You’re already doing more than enough to protect me.
  • 5: No one is an airhead from birth. Please don’t say that, Ray…
  • 6: Please don’t blame yourself like that…. My heart is aching as well.
    Day 5 - 09:12
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: (any)
  • 3: You’re cute ^^
  • 4: Oh dear T_T
  • 5: Welcome Zen!
  • 6: I have this someone I’d like to buy chips for…
  • 7: You’re right!
  • 8: (any)
  • 9: You’re already sweet enough!
  • 10: Good for you. I’m glad you’re positive ^^
  • 11: Oh dear… Looks like she touched on something she shouldn’t.
  • 12: You can take a break for a while and then deal with the problem!
  • 13: (any)
  • 14: But family is special.
  • 15: Your mother is no saint. Try to think like an adult and treat and understand her as an adult.
  • 16: There’s more than a single type of a family. I think what’s important is not to lose myself.
  • 17: (any)
  • 18: (any)
  • 19: Yoosung, calm down –
  • 20: I hope you feel better next time we talk…
  • 21: He is having a hard time. Let’s try to be understanding.
  • 22: Once you’re an adult, I don’t think you need to obey every word and syllable your parents tell you.
  • 23: It’ll get better someday. For now, let’s just focus on your audition!
  • 24: I’ll be praying too. See you soon!
    Day 5 - 12:21
  • 1: Have you had your lunch?
  • 2: (any)
  • 3: You deserve a good rest!
  • 4: So doesn’t that mean you have some time for yourself now?
  • 5: I truly hope you can, Jaehee…!!
  • 6: (any)
  • 7: Hurray!
  • 8: That’s why you should always be ready to work. And update your resume.
  • 9: Cats!!
  • 10: I’ma little sad we must antagonize the hacker….
  • 11: Security is important…but don’t you think finding out the secret within the RFA is more important?
  • 12: I think you should be prudent.
  • 13: Wow! Will it be the most advanced team?
  • 14: I’m worried this fight seems to grow bigger…
  • 15: Do you need a special password for security reasons?
    Perhaps the department doesn’t exist at all…
  • 16: (any)
  • 17: (any)
  • 18: (any)
  • 19: (any)
  • 20: (any)
  • 21: We might be able to make up with the hacker soon. Cheer up.
  • 22: I hope all this hard work would lead us all to peace…
  • 23: I think there’s something we don’t know about this… as well as misunderstandings.
    Day 5 - 14:37
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: (any)
  • 3: I’m fine.
  • 4: I wish we could find a way to settle this peacefully with the hacker.
  • 5: Save is good…! DB is more than welcome! [Unlocks email.]
  • 6: Welcome…Zen ^^
  • 7: Wanna try manicures?
  • 8: How did your audition turn out?
  • 9: Whoa…
  • 10: (any)
  • 11: (any)
  • 12: Wow – ! You got the role? Congrats!
  • 13: The main character?!?!?! We should throw a party – !
  • 14: (any)
  • 15: You should always prepare for the future.
  • 16: It’s true there are a lot of masterpieces that feature characters with dual personality!
  • 17: Zen! I know you can do it.
  • 18: I think that’s why happiness lies in our hearts, waiting to be discovered.
  • 19: So how’s it going? ^^
  • 20: I wish I could preform my duties in peace…
  • 21: The hacker is good. But maybe it’s because he’s similar to you…
  • 22: (any)
  • 23: You should take a walk if you need a refresher.
  • 24: I hope this is finished peacefully….
  • 25: Zen, are you good with computers?
  • 26: Congrats once again on getting the role!
  • 27: Take the energy of victory and rock the practice room!
    Day 5 - 16:13
  • 1: Isn’t it awesome or what? I’m so thrilled…!
  • 2: I hope you can make your dream come true!
  • 3: I can’t wait to see him taking the stage!
  • 4: Click…?
  • 5: Wait, is this guy’s brother famous in the game of Go?
  • 6: Okay! Let’s send an invitation. I’d like to learn a thing or two about ticketing. [Unlocks email.]
  • 7: That’s a neat trick…
  • 8: (any)
    Day 5 - 17:45
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: …What the?
  • 3: (any)
  • 4: Congrats on the sale!
  • 5: Are you sure you got permission to sell those drinks?
  • 6: Wow! That’s a jackpot!
  • 7: I’m ready to press buy.
  • 8: Don’t tempt us….
  • 9: Dun dun dun…!
  • 10: (any)
  • 11: (any)
  • 12: You are kind of cute lol
  • 13: Wow! Could you make a waving doll too? I’m going to put it in front of my house.
  • 14: (any)
  • 15: I guess… Life is but a tsunami of serendipity –
  • 16: I should find a new hobby.
  • 17: Why don’t you try part-time jobs?
  • 18: Wow! I’ll be there to cheer for you!
  • 19: But still…life isn’t there for us only to work nonstop and prove ourselves, is it…?
  • 20: (any)
  • 21: But I want to live a positive life, for my dream.
  • 22: But don’t lose hope.
  • 23: I can feel your anguish, GOD7…
  • 24: (any)
  • 25: Don’t push yourself too hard. You can’t even work if you pressure yourself too much!
  • 26: Why don’t you try looking for something you really like?
  • 27: You’ll soon see your dream blooming after recovery.
  • 28: (any)
    Day 5 - 19:23
  • 1: You must be busy. Are you having your meals properly?
  • 2: That’s alright. I wanted to talk to you ^^
  • 3: You don’t have to worry that I might leave… I’m not going anywhere without you.
  • 4: I want you to let me stay with you unconditionally.
  • 5: Don’t worry about me… Are you alright?
  • 6: That’s not true. Please don’t say that…
  • 7: I think what matters is what you think about yourself.
  • 8: But it looked like V wanted all of us to get together in peace…
  • 9: But do you have to push yourself so much? I think the Mint Eye is forcing you to do something too demanding…
  • 10: (any)
  • 11: You took a risk to protect me… Thank you…
  • 12: I don’t think you need it, either. Please don’t drink it if it hurts you…
  • 13: Okay.
  • 14: You don’t have to worry about me…
  • 15: I won’t leave you. So I hope your heart will find peace…
  • 16: I don’t want you suffering because of me…
  • 17: I’m fine. But I miss you so much…
  • 18: That’s alright. But you have to come back and chat with me again…!
    Day 5 - 21:13
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: I wonder how useful it would be.
  • 3: There will be peace in the end.
  • 4: Do you like stitching, Jumin?
  • 5: (any)
  • 6: (any)
  • 7: I look forward to your works!
  • 8: I agree. It’s no good to work too hard.
  • 9: (any)
  • 10: Why don’t we invite Pillow Love? [Unlocks email.]
  • 11: (any)
  • 12: (any)
  • 13: (any)
    Day 5 - 23:09
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: (any)
  • 3: I think Yoosung would be really neat.
  • 4: (any)
  • 5: (any)
  • 6: (any)
  • 7: (any)
  • 8: I hope you’d do your best, but I hope you don’t push yourself too hard.
  • 9: Why not ask Jaehee for help?
  • 10: Yoosung would get to grow after experiencing lots of things.
  • 11: True… Nothing an beat the time.
  • 12: I think the definition of the right and wrong changed as the world changes. So vengeance has no meaning.
  • 13: Nobody is born evil, though there might be people who don’t realize that…
  • 14: I’m sure you can do well.
  • 15: (any)

Ray route walkthrough - Day 6

Day 6 - 00:55

  • 1: (any)
  • 2: Don’t you think that’s the beauty of being an actor? You get to be someone you’re not…
  • 3: Should you take a break? It’s also important that you stay in good shape.
  • 4: I think it’s okay as long as you do your best.
  • 5: (any)
  • 6: Oh, shoot…. I know what that feels like.
  • 7: Why don’t you help him, Yoosung?
  • 8: (any)
  • 9: Just let it go – let it flow –
  • 10: Yoosung T_T You sound too hopeless…
  • 11: It’s so heartbreaking to see someone like you so lifeless T_T
  • 12: (any)
  • 13: (any)
  • 14: (any)
  • 15: (any)
  • 16: Boom and bam and wham!!!!!!
  • 17: What about new LOLOL costume?
  • 18: (any)
  • 19: (any)
  • 20: (any)
  • 21: (any)
  • 22: If you think you need to work on being ’emo’ and symptoms of puberty, you’d definitely need him…lolol
  • 23: Got it, Zen. Good luck!
    • Day 6 - 03:17
    • 1: I thought you might be still awake…!
    • 2: I think she basically welcomed me. And it looked like she’s worried about you too.
    • 3: I’m happy…that I was welcomed and introduced to an interesting mission thanks to you.
    • 4: I don’t think you have to deny such a natural feeling…
    • 5: Of course.
    • 6: You’re protecting me, aren’t you? Thank you…
    • 7: I think you’re good enough. But I think your environment is suffocating you.
    • 8: I wish I could stay longer with you too…
    • 9: You might have a hard time right now, but things will get better soon. I hope you’d consider that I’m there with you.
    • 10: Please, stay with me just a little more…
    • 11: Yes, I’m sure we will be happy!
    • 12: I hope you get some rest too…
      Day 6 - 07:40
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: It’s not related… to the hacker, is it?
    • 4: That’s really good.
    • 5: A politician…?
    • 6: Something’s a bit suspicious here….
    • 7: So getting to know a lot of influential people is important.
    • 8: Don’t you think a partnership between a businessman and a politician is not always recommended?
    • 9: Wait, is his last name Choi?
    • 10: I wonder if V can manage to grasp this opportunity…
    • 11: Something’s not quite right about this… Shouldn’t we find out what the prime minister is thinking?
    • 12: I think thinks are progressing way too fast here….
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: But this is all so sudden. I think we should be a bit prudent about this.
    • 15: Don’t you need Yoosung to help you with your practice?
    • 16: Good luck – !
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: …Is everything okay?
    • 20: I’m fine. Thought I am worried about this particular person…
    • 21: V… what do you think?
    • 22: You look like you’re not really happy about this…
    • 23: (any)
    • 24: Take a breath and good luck on your meeting!
    • 25: (any)
    • 26: I will.
      Day 6 - 10:23
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: So you started your quest. May your trail lead you to a gran finale!
    • 3: I think that’s a really healthy hobby. ^^
    • 4: This is tricky. I think there’s no right answer for this.
    • 5: Hobby and break are two different things.
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: But it was cute lolol
    • 8: But this is too sudden. Don’t you find that strange?
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: Then what are you other hobbies?
    • 11: It’s a break and a hobby! I think they’re both meaningful!
    • 12: I wish I could share my hobbies with….
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: I’m all ears, Yoosung –
    • 15: I think background doesn’t really matter. You need to actually motivate yourself to enjoy your hobby.
    • 16: Honestly… I think such anxiety takes happiness even further away from us.
    • 17: I’m curious about him. Why don’t we invite him to the part and hear more from him? [Unlocks email.]
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: So I’d get to understand myself better through my hobbies.
    • 21: Thought it looks like she’s basically buried in her work these days….
    • 22: As an adult, I think it is necessary to establish personal philosophies.
    • 21: Jumin, you actually know what ‘fangirling’ means?
    • 22: (any)
    • 23: Nice talking to you –
    • 24: Do share with me what the meeting was like –
    • 25: Why don’t you try several things at your freedom?
    • 26: You should first find your heart some peace. Everything’s going to be alright.
    • 27: (any)
      Day 6 - 13:10
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: Our goal is ‘peace!’ Let’s keep that in mind!
    • 4: I kind of having a bad feeling….
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: Did something happen?
    • 7: I see… I’m sure V had a good reason.
    • 8: V had lots of complicated secrets to bear… I’d like to think he made a right choice.
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: I think what matters more to V is his mental health… He must have a lot of things burdening his mind…
    • 11: I’d like to think he had his reasons. Human mind isn’t simple, you know?
    • 12: I wish he’d tell us exactly why he declined.
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: I hope he’s a good person…. But why do I have this bad feeling?
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: He is good-looking. But…he looks kind of similar to someone.
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: (any)
    • 21: (any)
    • 22: (any)
    • 23: Good idea. I’d like to learn couple things from him too. [Unlocks email.]
    • 24: (any)
      Day 6 - 14:50
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: I understand
    • 3: But looks like at least you brought the correct textbook!
    • 4: Everyone goes through a period of being lost.
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: You’re adorable lolol
    • 7: But doesn’t that prime minister kind of resemble someone?
    • 8: I wonder why V didn’t want to sell his photos…
    • 9: V is feeling complicated. Let’s try to understand that.
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: Taking a break matters. It matters to everyone.
    • 12: Why don’t you take a break and try again?
    • 13: Any response from the hacker?
    • 14: What’s the matter? Is it related to the prime minister?
    • 15: Is there something that unnerves you…?
    • 16: I will…!
    • 17: This isn’t related to the hacker, is it…?
    • 18: Yoosung, why don’t you go help him? I’m serious.
    • 19: That’s right. What you need right now is darkness!
    • 20: Yoosung, now’s your chance to ask him for whatever you want! We’re helping each other at the RFA! How sweet!
    • 21: Bye…
    • 22: I think you need a break. Why not go for a walk?
    • 23: I know you can do it! I know you can beat this!
    • 24: Ok. No worrying about your job while you’re running.
      Day 6 - 16:37
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: Are you sure he wanted to see you just because of your pictures?
    • 3: I don’t understand what you mean. Could you explain to me more clearly?
    • 4: Jumin…. Have you detected anything strange between V and the prime minister
    • 5: I’d like to know…what was on your mind.
    • 6: I’m worried that thinga will get too complicated.
    • 7: Why don’t you tell everything and ask for help?
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: But there is a way for such flower to survive, isn’t there? Right?
    • 10: Still, you can’t give up the daffodil. You gotta make it look towards the sun.
    • 11: Why don’t you take out the rest of the flowers and raise only the daffodil, if you like it that much…?
    • 12: I…kind of feel bad for the daffodil.
    • 13: Yes. Sacrifice is noble, but it cannot be the remedy for everything.
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: That’s what friends are for. You can count on your friends.
    • 16: Could it be…..?
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: I think this one won’t be easy.
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: …Don’t you think there’s a reason why V can’t accept the truth?
    • 21: (any)
      Day 6 - 20:49
    • 1: Yes, Ray… Are you alright?
    • 2: Is there something wrong?
    • 3: I also feel excited ever since I met you.
    • 4: I want to make you happy too..! So let’s cheer up, ok?
    • 5: I like you just the way you are…. Please don’t think like that.
    • 6: Please stop blaming yourself, Ray…!
    • 7: I like you, Ray. I really do… Why won’t you trust me?
    • 8: Please don’t say that. You’re so precious to me….
    • 9: But I like you just the way you are…. I am sad.
    • 10: Ray, I wish you’d have more faith in yourself.
    • 11: But I think this place does no good to you, Ray.
    • 12: I think we should leave this place… Do you think we can do that?
    • 13: Let’s talk face to face… Could you do that for me?
    • 14: You’re leaving now…?
      Day 6 - 21:21
    • 1: I can see the stars… Phew… It’s raining emotions….
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: (any)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: You should help Zen if you’ve got time.
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: LOLOLOL I hope you two can work together, Zen, Yoosung.
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: Come on, we have to help each other.
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: (any)
    • 13: Will we be able to see the masterpiece of the age…?
    • 14: Photos! Photos!! Photos!!!
    • 15: Let’s first hear it!
    • 16: Don’t you think Zen can help you with that?
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: Oh really..? He sounds pretty good.
    • 20: (any)
    • 21: Sure. I think I want to ask him something about math. [Unlocks email.]
    • 22: (any)
    • 23: (any)
    • 24: Is it because he’s too nice?
    • 25: (any)
    • 26: Good luck!
    • 27: Mission accomplished!!!
    • 28: I wish you the best – !
      Day 6 - Visual Novel #1
    • 1: (Opens the door)
    • 2: Come in, Ray!
    • 3: Thank you, Ray.
    • 4: Ray?
    • 5: Where are you going!?
      Day 6 - 23:19
    • 1: You must’ve been busy. Good job!
    • 2: If that’s the case, then you deserve to rest.
    • 3: …Seven and that hacker must be still awake. Which is sad…
    • 4: The character is a challenge. I hope he can do it.
    • 5: How’s the hacker doing?
    • 6: My heart is breaking…that both you and the hacker have to fight.
    • 7: Where could he be… I’m concerned.
    • 8: I hope V would give me a chance to tell the truth…
    • 9: If that drink is safe… I’d like to get one for this certain someone.
    • 10: Seven…this isn’t something dangerous, is it? You’re okay, aren’t you?
    • 11: Yes you should spend your money on something you like.
    • 12: Seven…why don’t you save some money for your family?
    • 13: Does your job…threaten your life or status?
    • 14: …I hope it’s not real. One person in danger is enough…
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: I don’t know about hacking very well…but I know that it’s really demanding job.
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: I’m sure one day it’ll all work out well, like in movies.
    • 21: I’d like to think right now we’re waiting for the storm to pass.
    • 22: Yes… I will.
    • 23: If the hacker’s back, can you tell me?
      Day 6 – Branch
    • If you have made correct choices to this point, the game will continue as below. If not, you’ll eventually arrive at a Bad End.
      Day 6 - Visual Novel # 2
    • 1. (Go outside.)
    • 2: Saviour…where are you going?
    • 3: (Stay just a bit longer.)
    • 4: Ray!
    • 5: That’s not true, Ray! Stay with me for a bit.
    • 6: That’s right. I don’t despise you.
    • 7: You’re free to follow what your mind and heart desire.
    • 8: Stop tormenting yourself, Ray. Look at me.

    Ray route walkthrough - Day 7

      Day 7 - 00:58
    • 1:(any)
    • 2: Zen, you’re practicing!
    • 3: Yoosung, get a grip! And try again!!
    • 4: Get a hold of yourself, Yoosung!
    • 5: I think it’s going to be fun practicing on the messenger!
    • 6:(any)
    • 7: Oh, are we getting started here?
    • 8: What about White?
    • 9: I think this hacker’s more good-looking.
    • 10: I’m not sure I understand what direction this conversation is taking….
    • 11: Who said that?
    • 12:(any)
    • 13: Sure. Let’s discuss the latest technology with him![Unlocks email.]
    • 14: Why don’t you try thinking about Jumin?
    • 15:(any)
    • 16: lololol I don’t think so.
    • 17: This will be fun lolol
    • 18: I think it’s going to work!
    • 19:(any)
    • 20:(any)
    • 21: It’s an advanced body art that draws out dark aura through your spines.
    • 22: Aren’t you excited? Lolol
    • 23:(any)
      Day 7 - 03:01
    • 1:(any)
    • 2: Don’t worry. You’re not going to have another boss lololol
    • 3: For now, let’s trust him!
    • 4:(any)
    • 5: It sounds like your office hour is 24/7…. Poor you.
    • 6: Anything new about the hacker?
    • 7: I was staying awake for you. I’ll go to sleep now.
      Day 7 - 06:17
    • 1:(any)
    • 2:(any)
    • 3: Mr. Kim!
    • 4: You should take a break from time to time –
    • 5: Zen, show me what you can do! You’re a pro!
    • 6: That’s a great enlightenment!
    • 7: This is getting interesting!
    • 8:(any)
    • 9:(any)
    • 10: It’s great that you’re enjoying your work…! I really hope that’s the case here as well….
    • 11:(any)
    • 12: Good luck to everyone!
      Day 7 - 08:43
    • 1: Ray, did you have a good morning?
    • 2: About what happened back then…
    • 3: That’s adorable!
    • 4: Remember that we kissed the other day?
    • 5: Of course I don’t hate you! I really like you!
    • 6: Who told you that?
    • 7: I want to kiss you again…
    • 8: First let’s try to spend more time together.
    • 9: Are you feeling alright?
    • 10: Please stay positive, even if you’re having a hard time!
      Day 7 - 12:03
    • 1:(any)
    • 2: Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
    • 3:(any)
    • 4: Any news from the hacker…?
    • 5: Whoa, you actually got compliments from Seven!
    • 6: Well done, Jaehee!
    • 7: Because the hacker is so good…?
    • 8: That would mean more work for the hacker…
    • 9: Ok! I’d like to meet this knight of the light.[Unlocks email.]
    • 10:(any)
    • 11: I think I see a flood of Zen’s pain in my eyes.
    • 12:(any)
    • 13: Maybe you should just go home. That way you can help Zen….
    • 14:(any)
    • 15: Great! You’re trying various methods!
    • 16:(any)
    • 17: Don’t tease her.
    • 18:(any)
    • 19:(any)
    • 20: Let’s invite her for the love of the world! Love the world! [Unlocks email.]
    • 21:(any)
    • 22:(any)
    • 24: I’m fine… Sorry, I can’t tell you much.
    • 25: Thanks for your concern.
      Day 7 - 14:44
    • 1:(any)
    • 2: Zen, is your sanity ok?
    • 3: Relax^^ I think he’s trying to tick you off on purpose.
    • 4: I think Zen’s already doing his best.
    • 5: Oooh, please give me your know-how, Mr. Han!
    • 6: Wow….you’ve come this far already?
    • 7:(any)
    • 8: And Jaehee has been working late…
    • 9:(any)
    • 10: Wow! Why don’t we invite that person to the party?[Unlocks email.]
    • 11:(any)
    • 12:(any)
    • 13: I knew you’d start from a completely different page.
    • 14: So what matters is the courage to actually do it!
    • 15: Can you invest in someone smart?
    • 16: But you can’t buy people’s hearts with money! What matters in acting is heart –
    • 17:(any)
    • 18:(any)
    • 19: That’s right! That could be what gives birth to your artistic performance! You should carry on with your way!
    • 20: Calm down, Zen – !
    • 21:(any)
    • 22:(any)
    • 23:(any)
    • 24:(any)
      Day 7 - 16:27
    • 1: Welcome.
    • 2: You don’t think there’s something wrong with the hacker, do you?
    • 3: That’s not true! That’s can’t happen…!
    • 4: That’s can’e be it… I’m sure he’s safe.
    • 5: Seven, let’s talk more about the hacker. Have you picked up anything else?
    • 6: I think Jumin helped him enough…
    • 7: That was a pretty scary joke….
    • 8: I can’t stop worrying about that hacker….
    • 9: Seven, could you find out what happened to the hacker, whether something’s wrong with him…?
    • 10: …I hope you’d save the hacker if he surrenders.
    • 11: Maybe it was all misunderstanding that the hacker attacked us. We must find out what the truth is.
    • 12: ….He’s innocent. And good. I’ll leave it at that.
    • 13: I know. You have a good reason to suspect me. I’m trying to find peace in the middle…but it’s not easy.
    • 14: Yes, I can see you wanna stay positive.
    • 15: …I think V’s a good person. I think I can trust him.
    • 16: I wonder what this hacker is doing right now….
    • 17:(any)
    • 18: I know….
    • 19: …I hope that never happens.
    • 20: I will…! Good luck!
    • 21: I will. Thank you.
      Day 7 - 18:31
    • 1: Jaehee, have you heard anything about the hacker?
    • 2:(any)
    • 3:(any)
    • 4:(any)
    • 5: Exactly how would you apple your realization to business?
    • 6:(any)
    • 7:(any)
    • 8:(any)
    • 9:(any)
    • 10: So you were basically running a business of yourself since childhood.
    • 11: Did they teach that nothing is right or wrong? Wouldn’t that create problems adapting to the world?
    • 12: I think accepting even my imperfections is something really big.
    • 13: So that’s why people are tormented by their own inferiority and insecurity.
    • 14: They have no leisure… because they’re always working so hard. Is that correct?
    • 15:(any)
    • 16:(any)
    • 17: Perhaps a sense of insecurity is no different from a struggle to hide one’s trauma.
    • 18: You can’t deny that this pressure that you must perfect your imperfections always leads to stress.
    • 19:(any)
    • 20: I think that depends on your definition of accomplish… But whatever it is, the fact remains that no one is perfect, right?
    • 21:(any)
    • 22:(any)
    • 23:(any)
    • 24: I think he wants to make a team that does not drive people into competition but acknowledges each person as they acknowledges each person as they are.
    • 25:(any)
    • 26: Please tell me if you pick up anything new about the hacker. Please.
      Day 7 - Visual Novel #1
    • 1: Who is it?
    • 2: Yes, it’s mine.
    • 3: Wait a minute! Have you seen Ray?
      Day 7 - 20:06
    • 1: There’s nothing wrong with him, is there?
    • 2: Everything’s quiet here. But…I’m worried about the hacker….
    • 3: Why would you find only troubles around you?
    • 4: I’m sure it’s not entirely your fault.
    • 5: Perhaps we need his advice right now.
    • 6: I know you’re worried about me but… I think it’s best to admit what you can’t do and ask for help.
    • 7: You should gaze at yourself, V.
    • 8:(any)
    • 9: Nobody is perfect…. I think you need some time for yourself.
    • 10: Good luck…
    • 11:(any)
      Day 7 - 21:43
    • 1: What’s wrong, Yoosung?
    • 2:(any)
    • 3: Is that you, Prince Seven…?
    • 4: Your bluff is on a completely different level….
    • 5:(any)
    • 6:(any)
    • 7:(any)
    • 8: Uh… V wanted me to tell you that!
    • 9:(any)
    • 10: …There’s no need for him to be concerned that much…
    • 11:(any)
    • 12: I’m concerned as well. I couldn’t see him all day long….
    • 13:(any)
    • 14: But I’m suspicious about the prime minister’s purpose…
    • 15:(any)
      Day 7 - 23:59
    • 1: Have you hear nothing about the hacker yet?
    • 2: Something’s not right about this.. We only had 2 parties so far.
    • 3:(any)
    • 4: Is he back!?
    • 5: Completely different person? Are you sure?
    • 6: …The hacker is behaving like someone else…?
    • 7: V…You’re coming, aren’t you? I have a bad feeling about this.
    • 8: I’ll be waiting.
      Day 7 - Visual Novel #2
    • 1: Who is it?
    • 2: Ray…! I missed you so much!
    • 3: Ray, you don’t sounds like you.
    • 4: …This is not fair. Let go of me.

    Ray route walkthrough - Day 8

      Day 8 - 01:37
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: I might need some help now….
    • 3: There’s something wrong with the chatroom.
    • 4: I am scared… But I know Ray is in you. So I feel complicated.
    • 5: That can put everyone in danger.
    • 6: That’s because I have to keep my promise with Ray…
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: Wow…what’s it about?
    • 10: But right now we have more important matter at hand.
    • 11: But this commendation is so sudden… I think there’s something personal behind this.
    • 12: I’m sure he’ll do well!
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: There is this particular person I’m passionate about.
    • 15: I hope everyone has a safe night…
      Day 8 - 03:46
    • 1: Is there something wrong?
    • 2: I wanted to talk to you some more.
    • 3: No.
    • 4: Doesn’t matter to me.
    • 5: I’m going to do what I must, no matter what the circumstance is.
    • 6: Why would you torment me?
    • 7: Can’t you tell me what’s going on outside this room?
    • 8: You seem to be constantly seeking something to entertain you.
    • 9: Don’t you think you want to look down on me so that you can stand more superior?
    • 10: I feel like Ray is in your eyes….
    • 11: Those words can’t hurt me.
      Day 8 - Visual Novel #1
    • 1: What have you done to Ray!?
    • 2: I believe he will be back.
    • 3: Can’t we turn him back?
      Day 8 - 07:21
    • 1: Is it because of the governmental commendation?
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: He’s much more aggressive, isn’t he…?
    • 4: They could be the same people….
    • 5: I can feel his hatred of the RFA….
    • 6: Please do your best to defend the messenger…
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: I think it’s better to hold that off until this hacker issue is resolved.
    • 9: I think we should respect V’s choice.
    • 10: Please trust Seven a little more.
    • 11: Pay taxes well, govern well, and that all helps the nation –
    • 12: Why don’t we submit the list of personnel with Seven’s name omitted?
    • 13: You’re right. Things will get really annoying.
    • 14: Why do you think he’s suddenly insisting to award such a small organization? Does it make sense to you?
    • 15: Can we now talk about the hacker?
    • 16: Good idea![Unlocks email.]
    • 17: You should check them now, especially if V gave them to you….
    • 18: Don’t push yourself too hard!
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: True… I wish we could at least learn why we would go through sudden changes when they take place.
    • 21: (any)
      Day 8 - 09:03
    • 1: Zen! Are you ready for rehearsal?
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: You got him 100%! Awesome!
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: Sounds delicious….
    • 6: So in the end, the person caught in rage would hurt themselves…..
    • 7: I feel bad for the person suffering because of dual personality….
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: It’s so good to see you two getting along.
    • 10: I’m looking forward to your tomorrow, Zen!
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: (any)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: There’s this someone I’d like to make a stew for….
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: I know someone better at cooking than you, Yoosung.
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: There was this person who used to cook for me with love….
    • 21: (any)
    • 22: Thanks.
      Day 8 - 11:16
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: What’s the matter?
    • 4: There’s not much time.
    • 5: I don’t think commendation is the issue right now….
    • 6: V, I think you’re already trying to handle more than enough….
    • 7: Let’s calm down… Let’s not fight at a time like this.
    • 8: Is that the one….?
    • 9: If there’s something I can do.
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: What??? How come?
    • 12: Zen… I’m sure it’s nothing!
    • 13: Don’t be afraid… I hope interrogation ends safe and sound….
    • 14: Please call us as soon as it’s done!
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!
      Day 8 - 13:58
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: At least we should remain calm.
    • 3: I wish he’d be free very soon.
    • 4: I hope no innocent people are hurt…
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: Of course…. It’s heartbreaking to go through an unfair misfortune.
    • 7: Jumin! Will Zen return safely? What do you think?
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: I hope he wouldn’t go through anything unfair.
    • 11: I hope warm coffee can help you calm down…
    • 12: Of course!
      Day 8 - 16:04
    • 1: I’m fine….
    • 2: You mean Zen’s interrogation at the prosecution…?
    • 3: Perhaps, not all the puzzle pieces are V’s… but something each individual must take responsibility of?
    • 4: Are you going to cancel the party?
    • 5: Is it okay to talk about secrets here?
    • 6: You mean we’re not going to hold the party?
    • 7: Hold off? You’re not going to cancel it?
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: You’re not at a dangerous place, are you?
    • 12: Jaehee… The party’s now on a hold.
    • 13: My introduction to the RFA itself is a secret….
    • 14: Tell me about it… I hope he’s not caught in something dangerous….
    • 15: He was also kind of cold in the chatroom… I’m worried.
    • 16: Go now! I wish you the best…
      Day 8 - Visual Novel #2
    • 1: …I believe he’ll be back.
    • 2: I think…you’re overly interpreting.
    • 3: Ray…! Please save me!
    • 4: …
    • 5: …
    • 6: No! Ray!
      Day 8 - 18:31
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: (any)
    • 4: Maybe that’s one of the emergency features of the app. Everything going on in here is confidential, you know?
    • 5: Are you sure you were interrogated by real prosecution officer?
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: It was really a surprised… But I understand him.
    • 8: There have been various reasons. Let’s not put someone at fault…
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: So what did you tell them?
    • 11: I don’t think you’re a bad person… You have a good reason, right?
    • 12: Are you sure you can do this alone?
    • 13: It must be personal. Let’s give him some time…
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: Seven can manage himself. He’ll be fine… right?
    • 16: It feels like things are getting more complicated….
    • 17: Okay… I hope you don’t let your shock stay with you….
      Day 8 - 20:48
    • 1: Jumin… It feels like the RFA is caught in the middle of a storm.
    • 2: I’m worried. It looks like something’s wrong with Seven….
    • 3: (any)
    • 4: Can you tell me what V asked you over the phone?
    • 5: What’s the article about?
    • 6: It’s fairly common to see an innocent people framed after a single wrong move… I should know.
    • 7: What do you want to know about me?
    • 8: I’m at a really…uhm…really safe place. It’s also really hard to fine. So no need to worry about me!
    • 9: No one’s controlling me. I’m only staying here because I wish to see someone again….
    • 10: That’s not what I’m doing. I do not wish to harm anyone.
    • 11: The party was postponed because of the prosecution interrogation.
    • 12: I don’t think I should leave this place… Not just yet…
    • 13: Ray worked harder than anyone else…! He has never ruined things. Not even once.
    • 14: The party isn’t canceled completely yet.
    • 15: …I know Ray is still there in you.
    • 16: My connection with the members was suddenly gone. You mean it’ll stay gone?
    • 17: We shouldn’t let cruelty lead to another cruelty…
    • 18: They must be worried about me… I’m worried.
    • 19: ….Do you want to see me 24/7?
    • 20: But I don’t know what kind of smell it is.
      Day 8 - 22:14
    • 1: How’s everything going at the RFA?
    • 2: Saeran, you can never be Ray…
    • 3: Please stop….
    • 4: Even if I remember, there will be nothing but heartache…. Because you’re not Ray.
    • 5: ….
    • 6: Please stop pretending….
    • 7: You think you can hurt me like this?
      Day 8 - 23:39
    • 1: ….
    • 2: You cannot bend my heart, Saeran.
    • 3: …What does she want to tell me?
    • 4: Username ‘Rika…?’
    • 5: Aren’t you the founder of the RFA…?
    • 6: Rika…?
    • 7: That’s because… you abused Ray.
    • 8: …That’s because you tortured Ray.
    • 9: Ray is a good person, better than anyone else…Anyone!
    • 10: He’d feel he’s stronger only when he believes I’m weaker.
    • 11: I am not a loser.

    Ray route walkthrough - Day 9

      Day 9 - 01:29
    • 1: …The saviour is the same person as ‘Rika,’ isn’t she? The one who supposedly committed suicide?
    • 2: You should eat well…. You’re so thin.
    • 3: She said you need me…. She said you must have someone weaker than you.
    • 4: Can’t you tell me what’s happening at the RFA…?
    • 5: The RFA will not leave me here like this.
    • 6: That’s not true.
    • 7: The RFA will never be part of the Mint Eye.
    • 8: I know that Ray is still in there.
      Day 9 - Visual Novel #1
    • 1: You’re not Ray.
    • 2: (Push Saeran away.)
    • 3: Ray…!?
    • 4: Ray?
    • 5: Ray, it’s me..! [Name]! What happened to you?
    • 6: Ray… You’re back, aren’t you?
    • 7: It wasn’t you. Ray. It was Saeran… Are you back now?
    • 8: You’re not weak. You’re the kindest person I have ever met…! Please don’t go….
      Day 9 - 03:37
    • 1: Ray…!?
    • 2: But you were Ray back then…!
    • 3: Saeran, don’t be scared… Everything will be alright.
    • 4: Saeran, you’re just trying to protect yourself. I know it…!
    • 5: I’m not the reason why you’re suffering right now… You’re tormenting yourself.
      Day 9 - 06:18
    • 1: Is Saeran alright…?
    • 2: Saeran’s trauma is so deep… As deep as Ray’s trauma…
    • 3: Saeran might look strong, but it seems he’d fall apart any moment…
    • 4: …What will happen to Saeran?
    • 5: Are you also afraid of me? Is that why you want to get rid of me?
    • 6: Your darkness is much stronger than Saeran’s…
      Day 9 - Visual Novel #2
    • 1: It’s not his fault is…
    • 2: …Who is it?
    • 3: V…!?
    • 4: It’s Saeran. Ray’a second persona. He’s the one tormenting me.
    • 5: Do you know a way to bring back Ray?
    • 6: Why did you keep that a secret?
    • 7: I already knew Rika is the saviour.
    • 8: But you shouldn’t have lied about her death. Poor Yoosung….
    • 9: Protecting serve as the weak for Saeran…?
    • 10:: …What will happen to Saeran was your duty?
    • 11: Wait… are you talking about the prime minister?
    • 12: Illegitimate sons…?
    • 13: Do you really know nothing about how to being back Ray? Any clue by any chance?
      Day 9 - 09:11
    • 1: …Do you feel better now?
    • 2: Nobody.
    • 3: Will you be alright…even if I’m not here anymore?
    • 4: She’s probably afraid that you’ll start to fall apart again if you see me there….
    • 5: The world can change whenever I want it to, depending on how I look at it…
    • 6: But if you won’t get to see me anymore very soon…why would you tell me all of this now?
    • 7: I’m not a loner.
    • 8: Every here pretends to be okay… But it looks like they’re all shivering in fear…
    • 9: Saeran, please calm down…
    • 10: Maybe you’re not torturing me… Maybe you’re torturing yourself.
      Day 9 - 12:16
    • 1: Why did you create the RFA?
    • 2: Freedom is true salvation for Saeran and Ray.
    • 3:
      Can you help Saeran…to be one day secure enough even without hurting other people?
    • 4: Ray…
    • 5: Both of us are trying to truly protect Saeran…
    • 6: Then what’s your definition of true love?
    • 7: Ray has become stronger in the warm embrace of love… You’re the one who decided that is weak.
    • 8: …This isn’t the end of it.
      Day 9 - 14:31
    • 1: Are you asking me how I feel now? That was fast.
    • 2: I miss both of you… You and Ray….
    • 3: Saeran, you sound a little different.
    • 4: That’s not a true honor… She said so that she can continue manipulating you.
    • 5: Are you sure you hate Ray?
    • 6: You’re tormenting others because you’re afraid someone will torment you… Isn’t that right?
    • 7: What do you remember about Ray?
    • 8: He was such a pure person who was fond of flowers. He was truly fond of me….
    • 9: Things would’ve been different….if Ray realized how precious a person he is.
    • 10: Do you feel nervous unless you keep telling yourself that you’re strong…?
    • 11: Saeran, you don’t sound well… Are you alright?
    • 12: Please calm down, Saeran….
      Day 9 – Branch
    • If you have made correct choices to this point, the game will continue as below. If not, you’ll eventually arrive at a Bad End.
      Day 9 - 16:56
    • 1: What’s going on?
    • 2: Saeran, could you tell me what’s going on…?
    • 3: Is RFA in a crisis…?
    • 4: Did something happen at the RFA…?
    • 5: Saeran… Is it because you don’t want to lose to me?
    • 6: I don’t think she’ll change her mind….
    • 7: Saeran. are you not feeling well?
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: Saeran will never be happy by your side.
      Day 9 - Visual Novel #3
    • 1: Alright… Calm down.
    • 2: Saeran, please. That’s enough! You’ll just hurt yourself!
    • 3: It’s painful….
    • 4: Even if I’m gone, you won’t be saved….
    • 5: …You’re strong, Saeran. You don’t have to torture someone to prove that.
      Day 9 - 17:59
    • 1: Where is Saeran?
    • 2: Didn’t you say I won’t be able to influence Saeran, no matter what I run into?
    • 3: I didn’t want to manipulate him… I was only trying to help him.
    • 4: I won’t manipulate Saeran or Ray.
    • 5: You say it’s love, but it’s nothing but manipulating people with conditions as you’d like.
    • 6: Just because you don’t abandon Saeran doesn’t mean you can manipulate him however you want.
    • 7: I’ll help him to defeat his demons of doubt. Deep down inside he truly longs for unconditional love.
    • 8: You’re the one who rendered this place a heartless, heartbreaking place full of suffering. Is this really a paradise?
    • 9: Stop manipulating him. You cannot possess and forge a human being.
    • 10: Now you’re trying to manipulate me…
    • 11: …I hope he wouldn’t suffer anymore.
      Day 9 - 19:47
    • 1: Saeran, are you alright?
    • 2: Are you feeling sick…? I’m so worried about you.
    • 3: I see you’ve had such a hard time until now….
    • 4: Saeran… Can’t we start over from the beginning?
    • 5: You can start again whenever you want to. I’ll help you.
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: Of course you can… You’re free to choose that.
    • 8: Weak and strong? Why don’t you yourself come up with a new definition of weak and strong?
    • 9: If we decide to think differently, even a weed will be a beautiful flower for us.
      Day 9 - 21:31
    • 1: He threw up the drug. I think now he’s regained the power to think for himself.
    • 2: ….I think he’s slowly breaking away from your boundaries and opening his eyes to the truth.
    • 3: …I see.
    • 4: You’re going to capture him by force?
    • 5: I cant do that. I know what he wants….
    • 6: You seem to be used to exploiting pain.
    • 7: I hope…such circle will no longer make Saeran suffer.
      Day 9 - Visual Novel #4
    • 1: Saeran…?
    • 2: What happened?
    • 3: I thought that you were being mean to me because you were terribly wounded in the past.
    • 4: But even if you said those cruel words, you were the one to get hurt.
    • 5: Can’t you be one with Ray?
    • 6: If both of them are you…..
    • 7: Saeran, wait!
      Day 9 - 23:13
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: (any)
    • 4: ….I can’t tell you what happened, but I think things will be better.
    • 5: Yes, I am!
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: I can’t tell you yet. Please give me some time.
    • 8: That’s okay. You were caring for me!
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: Show me!
    • 12: I’m so glad I’m back.
    • 13: I think I saw someone who looks even better.
    • 14: Thank you for your concerns…. I think I could come back thanks to you all.
    • 15: I’m sure he has complicated stories… Let’s understand him.
    • 16: Yes, please do. I wish I could talk to him all bright and cheery.
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: I could come back because everyone care for me. I’m glad there’s no huge trouble with the RFA.
    • 19: It could’ve been worse. Like, kidnapped in group by a strange religious cult..?
    • 20: (any)
    • 21: …I’ll tell you everything soon. Please go tell him I’m back.
    • 22: (any)

    Ray route walkthrough - Day 10

      Day 10 - 01:46
    • 1: I missed you – ! (Ray)
    • 2: I could come back thanks to him… I owe him one. (Nothing)
    • 3: It’s a secret, so I can’t tell you. But he worked so hard in between. (V)
    • 4: I’ve heard almost nothing about Seven… Is he doing okay? (707)
    • 5: I’m sure he has a thousand things to worry about, even with me excluded…. (Nothing)
    • 6: I don’t think he’ll ever hurt someone precious to him. (Ray)
    • 7: I’m so worried… I hope they’ll realize that he’s innocent…. (707)
    • 8: Seven! It’s been so long. How are you? (Nothing)
    • 9: Did someone get you? (Nothing)
    • 10: I think he’s in trouble! (Nothing)
    • 11: Go! Now! (Ray)
      Day 10 - 03:18
    • 1: Something must be wrong with him… I’m so worried! (Ray)
    • 2: Don’t you think we should track down his whereabouts…? (707)
    • 3: Perhaps his life was much more perilous than we’d thought. He must have been lonely…. (707)
    • 4: Did you hear from Seven? (Ray)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: You should get over to his place! (Nothing)
    • 7: V, don’t you think things have gotten way out of your hands? (Ray)
    • 8: V… Can’t you trust that the RFA is strong enough to embrace Seven’s secrets? (Ray)
    • 9: Seven…has a good reason why. (Ray)
    • 10: V, you’re the only one who can explain to us about Seven’s secrets. And you’re the only one who can move everyone to save Seven. (Ray)
    • 11: Have faith in yourself! (Nothing)
    • 12: V…we don’t have time to suspect Seven! We should work together to save him! (Ray)
    • 13: Seven has a tragic story… He’s not a bad guy. (Ray)
    • 14: V… Saeran is changing. You can change too. (Ray)
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: I’m so worried Seven’s life might be in danger…. (707)
    • 17: But if you keep secrets to yourself and try to do this on your own, more dangers will follow… (Ray)
    • 18: I’m so worried about him… What is he gets hurt? (707)
    • 19: Zen, you’re so understanding. I’m sure the rest of the RFA will trust V. (Ray)
    • 20: That’s not true. It’s not like you can see the future. (Ray)
    • 21: I want to know just why you would think this is all your fault…. (Nothing)
    • 22: It’s difficult to love yourself, but that’s the answer of all your troubles…. (Nothing)
    • 23: Zen, it looks like you always remember how to make yourself happy. (Zen)
    • 24: V, you should embrace your own limit. You should love your limit. (Ray)
    • 25: V… Please be the representative faithfully in the lead. (Ray)
    • 26: Please come back as soon as you can. Seven might get in trouble… (Ray)
    • 27: I see you’ve made yourself very trustworthy, V. (V)
    • 28: That you for staying and giving us a very long talk. You should now rest. (Ray)
    • 29: If you’re worried, why don’t you talk to Jumin? He’s your friend. (Jumin)
    • 30: (any)
    • 31: V, don’t let your guilt grip you and be strong! I wish you luck! (Ray)
    • 32: True. As it’s love that makes us grow by experiencing differences and arguments. (Ray)
    • 33: (any)
    • 34: Now things call for a change, V. Everything is changing. (Ray)
    • 35: I’ll do that. V…please take care of Seven. (707)
      Day 10 - 06:21
    • 1: I’ll be so sad if something happens to Seven…. (707)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: I see you can still log in…
    • 4: …For now, I can’t tell you anything. This is for Saeran’s sake. (Ray)
    • 5: Unlike you, the RFA is being careful in order to minimize damage. (Ray)
    • 6: I’d hate to see any more tragedy to those brothers. (Ray)
    • 7: …Allow me to keep my mouth shut. (Ray)
    • 8: Why is he in bed…? Is he sick? (Ray)
    • 9: …Please, stop abusing him!
    • 10: I won’t let you use me so easily. (Ray)
    • 11: Do you think you can find peace through such a forceful method…? (Ray)
    • 12: I did. V is feeling guilty for you. He feels guilty that he couldn’t give you the love you needed…. (V)
    • 13: Rika, you wouldn’t have to prove how strong you are to anyone, if only you accept and embrace yourself the way you are. (Ray)
    • 14: Can’t I see him…? (Ray)
    • 15: …Please don’t hurt Saeran. (Ray)
      Day 10 - 08:36
    • 1: It was… Could you please tell the intelligence unit about it? (Ray)
    • 2: It’s a good thing you could log in again. (Ray)
    • 3: Yes. I feel bad for V… It must have been so hard for him. (V)
    • 4: It’s okay for him to be more honest. I hope he’ll find the courage to do so. (Ray)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: I’m so worried… Now I really hope he’s safe…! (Ray)
    • 7: V, can you save Seven. Please take courage… (Ray)
    • 8: Because public power is not part of this. This is something personal… (Ray)
    • 9: !! Really?
    • 10: So you admitted perfection is not an option… That’s good. (Ray)
    • 11: Yoosung… Let me join you! Let’s share the weight of this secret! (Nothing)
    • 12: Tell us now, V. We don’t have much time. (Ray)
    • 13: But the cosplays were just pranks, right?
    • 14: Get ready for some heart attack, Yoosung… (Ray)
    • 15: Yoosung, please don’t freak out!!
    • 16: Yes, he has a younger brother. (Ray)
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: So the prime minister is not what he looks like… (Ray)
    • 19: They’re twins. Which is why….the younger one could end up in trouble too. (Ray)
    • 20: Yes…though the prime minister didn’t get his hands on the brother yet. (Ray)
    • 21: Yes. He needs protection… more than ever. (Nothing)
    • 22: …He’s been brainwashed to hate the RFA… And he’s been manipulated. (Ray)
    • 23: It was something you couldn’t handle entirely. (Ray)
    • 24: I became part of this without knowing anything, but it turned out that I’ve been used… (Ray)
    • 25: At first, yes. But now I’m doing that to protect Seven’s brother and the RFA. (Nothing)
    • 26: (any)
    • 27: There’s only one hacker… And he was met with trauma strong enough to split his persona into two. (Ray)
    • 28: Seven’s heart would’ve been torn to million pieces if he knew the truth… (Ray)
    • 29: Of course he does. But anger won’t solve anything. (Ray)
    • 30: This is all heartbreaking, but now you must face the truth… (Ray)
    • 31: (any)
    • 32: I’m glad V mustered the courage to tell us the truth.
    • 33: That’s right… It must have been creepy. (Ray)
    • 34: Seven’s greatest enemy was none other than his own family.
    • 35: His brother is in danger too… (Ray)
    • 36: …. (Nothing)
    • 37: Now both V and the RFA will confront the truth, Rika…. (Ray)
    • 38: Saeran might be in danger too…! (Ray)
    • 39: RFA would never find themselves at this place. (Ray)
    • 40: Is he suffering a lot…? (Ray)
      Day 10 - 11:49
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: That doesn’t sound so bad, but I think it’s kind of dangerous…. (Ray)
    • 3: I think that’s the only way we can stop the prime minister… (Ray)
    • 4: Revealing the Mint Eye isn’t our focus. Rather, it’s on revealing what the prime minister has committed… (Ray)
    • 5: Are you saying it doesn’t matter how evil he is, as long as he’s powerful? (Ray)
    • 6: Is Saeran safe…? (Ray)
    • 7: Rika, you’re not Saeran’s guardian. (Ray)
    • 8: Look at how you make Saeran tremble in fear! If you continue, he’ll be destroyed! (Ray)
    • 9: Exploiting an abandoned person’s wound to control him is like stabbing where he’s already been stabbed. (Ray)
    • 10: I’m so sick and tired with your philosophy. (Nothing)
    • 11: Please, stop hurting Saeran… (Ray)
      Day 10 - 13:56
    • 1: I can’t imagine how shocked you are…. (Ray)
    • 2: I think there was a misunderstanding… (Ray)
    • 3: The hacker’s been deeply hurt by manipulation. From now on, I’ll do my best to help them reconcile. (Ray)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: It is shocking… I must admit we must never judge books by their covers. (Ray)
    • 6: My heart is in pain whenever I think of those twins…
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: Can’t we visit his house? We can at least run an investigation there, can’t we? (Ray)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: I can’t imagine what Seven has been going through in his life…. (Ray)
    • 12: That’s right… He’s in bed right now. He’s sick. (Nothing)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: (any)
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: The prime minister is so cruel and aggressive. Now my concern for Seven is growing… (Ray)
    • 19: I hope he doesn’t get hurt…. (Nothing)
    • 20: (any)
    • 21: Now I’m okay. I’m more worried about Seven and his brother… (Ray)
    • 22: Yes… I’m sure he’ll be safe. (Ray)
    • 23: (any)
      Day 10 - 16:13
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: (any)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: We need to fight. To properly fight him, we need an effective move. With no mistake in the whole process. (Nothing)
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: I can help you with that… But I think we need to be careful. We shouldn’t talk too much on the messenger. (Ray)
    • 9: I wish he wouldn’t have to be a hacker anymore, but…. I agree with you, Jumin. (Ray)
    • 10: If I let my heart talk to him… his heart will answer ours. (Ray)
    • 11: I will. (Ray)
    • 12: I can’t guarantee when. Things aren’t really going well here… But I’ll keep you posted. (Ray)
    • 13: I’m sure he’ll take it… (Nothing)
    • 14: But emotions might be able to save someone. (Nothing)
    • 15: I’ll do my best. For everyone. (Ray)
    • 16: His hatred will be gone… once freedom finds his heart. Because he’s naturally a good person. (Ray)
    • 17: Wish me luck! (Ray)
      Day 10 – Branch
    • If you have made correct choices to this point, the game will continue as below. If not, you’ll eventually arrive at a Bad End.
      Day 10 - Visual Novel #1
    • 1: Saeran…?
    • 2: Ray… Are you really Ray?
    • 3: I already forgave you. I understand what you’ve suffered…
    • 4: Ray…
    • 5: Congratulations on discovering the real you. Now Ray…Saeran… You’re no longer a tool.
      Day 10 - 18:37
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: That’s so very like Jumin… (Jumin)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: He’s with me right now. What would you like to know?
    • 6: His name is Saeran Choi. It’s a beautiful name, isn’t it? (Ray)
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: (any)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: Could it be…that the prime minister noticed that Luciel is researching about him? (Nothing)
    • 15: No more being guilty! Let’s focus on our problem. (Ray)
    • 16: Once we reach someplace safe, and once Saeran is ready, I’ll ask him to reply…! (Ray)
    • 17: Please trust him. (Ray)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: Please take care! All the time! (V)
      Day 10 - Visual Novel #2
    • 1: Saeran, could you please take a look at the messenger?
    • 2: You hate him, don’t you?
    • 3: I think you’re right.
      Day 10 - 20:22
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: You can also be Yoo d’Arc! (Yoosung)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: Welcome, Saeran.
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: You’ll be friends if you get to know him little by little. (Nothing)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: Relax…. Saeran is not a scary person. (Ray)
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: (any)
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: Take your time. And we have more important matter at hand. (Ray)
    • 21: But now you get that Saeran is on RFA’s side, don’t you? (Ray)
    • 22: (any)
    • 23: I’ll say. You should come over to Yoosung’s place for once, Zen! (Yoosung)
    • 24: (any)
    • 25: Ok! Please wish Saeran and the unit luck! (Ray)
    • 26: (any)
    • 27: (any)
    • 28: I’ll tell Saeran that you gave kudos!
    • 29: (any)
      Day 10 - 21:39
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: It took so long, but I’m glad now our hearts are finally one… (Ray)
    • 3: It was for Saeran’s happiness. (Ray)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: Wish us luck! (V)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: (any)
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: I hope we can find Seven soon…! Let’s stay focused! (707)
      Day 10 - 23:48
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: (any)
    • 4: You should take a break in between…! Are you feeling okay? (Ray)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: Zen…. The entire country would get to see your face. Are you okay with that? (Zen)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: (any)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: Aren’t your eyes sore?
    • 16: He’s such a kind person – (Ray)
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: (any)
    • 21: (any)
    • 22: I’m a little worried about V… Something doesn’t feel quite right. (V)
    • 23: (any)

    Ray route walkthrough - Day 11

      Day 11 - 08:00
    • 1: (any)
    • 2: (any)
    • 3: Wow! If Zen is not feeling well, you could substitute him (Yoosung)
    • 4: (any)
    • 5: (any)
    • 6: (any)
    • 7: (any)
    • 8: (any)
    • 9: (any)
    • 10: (any)
    • 11: (any)
    • 12: (any)
    • 13: (any)
    • 14: (any)
    • 15: (any)
    • 16: (any)
    • 17: (any)
    • 18: (any)
    • 19: (any)
    • 20: Saeran, I hope we can reach the end soon and everyone would be happy. (Ray)
    • 21: (any)
    • 22: (any)
    • 23: It still feels like a dream that I’m here with you, Saeran. (Ray)
    • 24: (any)
    • 25: (any)
    • 26: (any)
    • 27: (any)
    • 28: (any)
    • 29: Jaehee… You’re always so professional. And I find that admirable. (Jaehee)
    • 30: (any)
    • 31: Saeran, I love you. (Ray)
    • 32: (any)

    The party is available any time from midday onwards and can be actioned at any time you like. Make a back up save before you begin. If you proceed without enough confirmed guests, you’ll see the Normal End. You can then reload your save for 5 HG, action all your confirmation emails, and see the Good End.

      Day 11 - 12:00
    • [party and ending]
