Today's Wordle Answer for June 9 (Puzzle 355) - Hints, clues, and solution

Send your streak to the next level with today’s Wordle answer for June 9. We've double-checked the answer and everything's good to go!

After a run of 3 words with repeated letters, ironically, Puzzle 355 has all unique ones to guess. It’s not a common word however, so it’s not easy, but most people will have at least heard it even if they’re not using it every day.

You need a good vocabulary to be successful in Wordle, where your goal is to reveal the hidden 5 letter word with just 6 guesses. Correct letters slotted in the correct place in the word turn green, whereas orange letters need to be rearranged into the right spot.

We’ve also left a list of recent Wordle solutions so you know where to prioritise your guessing, as well as a few hints and clues to nudge you towards the resolution without completely spoiling the fun.

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Clues and hints for Today's Wordle Answer

To solve a Wordle you need to draw on a broad range of guesses and keep them coming thick and fast. With such a limited amount of opportunities, you need to cover the widest amount of ground possible in the shortest space.

Here’s a few hints to help you do just that.

Your clues are:

  • The answer contains 1 vowel in the 2nd position
  • The 1st and 5th letters are next to each other in the alphabet
  • The 3rd and 4th letters are 2 letters away from each other in the alphabet

Previous Wordle Answers

Every one of the words below has been used in Wordle recently, meaning they likely won’t appear again any time soon. You could use one to eliminate some letters if you’re stuck for guesses, but that’s all they’re good for.

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Today’s Wordle Answer June 9

The Wordle answer today is girth.

The etymology of girth has its roots in Old Norse, where it made the jump to Middle English in the rough Viking era.

Its first recorded usage was around 1300, where it had the equestrian meaning of a secured belt around a horse’s body. It wasn’t until some 300 years later that historians started to see recorded uses of it being used more generally to just mean the measurement around the middle of something.

This is how it would be more commonly used today, and is yet another example of the process of metaphorical extension creating new word meanings in English.

For more similar puzzle games, take a look at these Wordle alternatives.
